Just after I had sung my praises for RecordTV, it had to malfunction and cause my Falling In Love to be a blank! I hope it corrects itself by tomorrow... I dun wanna miss an episode! Argh!
scribbled at 9:06 PM
I must give credit to RecordTV that has been paramount in recording Falling in Love that I must miss due to my 6-8pm lectures on Tuesdays like this:)
scribbled at 1:25 PM
Jay Chou, Stefanie Sun, Fahrenheit, S.H.E ...
I have exercised my votes, have you?
scribbled at 8:14 PM
I captured a shot of my newly acquired ThinkPad with my handphone, transferred the photo file to my laptop via Bluetooth and uploaded it on my blog within a matter of minutes! No more inconvenience of using my lousy camera (having the same MP as my phone, imagine!), playing with wires of any sorts and the occasional squabbles with my sister over the usage of my desktop PC! Yay!

scribbled at 1:47 PM