There seems to be a donut craze nowadays and the craze I think is with the queuing part. After hearing how people can queue up for three hours for a few rings of flour on Yes93.3 Peifen's programme, I decided to experience it myself today at Vivocity's Vinco.
And yes, the quality of the donuts were overrated, though Mighty Almond tastes well enough. One hour for the donuts wasn't well-spent, and the waiting time seriously could have been shortened. 3 fickle-minded ladies with unpolished organisational skills trying to order 36 donuts but discussing and struggling to place the correct donuts into the correct boxes apparently confused the poor girl at the counter. That customer itself took around 20 minutes! It's no wonder a Caucasian can shake his head with exasperation as he departed the queue with his wife and children. Haha.

scribbled at 6:01 PM

大家都说 S.H.E 应该唱些可爱的歌,我想 Play 就让她们唱个痛快了吧!Play 实在把音乐玩得恰到好处,有味道。虽然原先觉得 《中国话》 没怎么样,引发的政治课题也太小题大做了吧。但那不是重点。重点是,专辑中有些歌曲的确不错,值得一听。《听袁惟仁弹吉他》 歌词写得好,《再别康桥》 旋律轻快好听。大家不妨一听为快!哈哈。
scribbled at 12:42 PM
Can't actually believe that this is only my third movie of the year, apparently this year didn't start out all that well for me, kept myself packed with work and tuitions purposelessly for the past few months and was swept into a whirlpool of my own, treading on the verge of depression and trying to find myself desperately among all the wild thoughts. I'm glad my parents somehow talked me out of it and I hope the healing process won't take too long...
Anyway, I quited my work and I would be happy if anyone out there wants to meet up with me... Haha..
scribbled at 10:50 AM