I was skimming through the painstakingly conflated essays I had penned down for the short foray into US university application last year when I paused at the one submitted for Umich Honors Program. In that essay, I attempted to take on the vantage point of a political scientist in exploring the complexity of the political situation in Thailand, which at that time was compounded by large scale street demonstrations gunning for the ouster of Thaksin over a controversial business deal. My largely facile viewpoints notwithstanding, one of my worst fears actually materialised. Who would have anticipated the unexpected turn of events, save the military iron men who wielded absolute power over the army of Thailand? But disregarding the limbo that followed the coup, it took only a modicum of prophetic abilities to come up with a prognosis that portended a weakening of bilateral ties between Singapore and its northern neighbour.
Indeed, a series of finger-pointing and accusations transpired that proved to eventually undercut the once cordial relationship built on the basis of trust and mutual cooperation. Even as some politically astute top officials from both sides scrambled to conceal the tear by adopting conciliatory tones in responding to reporters, no one was under any illusion that ties could normalise in the short run. The burning of effigies of the Merlion outside the Singapore embassy during the demonstrations already caused some discontentment among some Singaporeans; the setting of fire to replicas of a Singaporean Minister after visits by Thaksin to Singapore was downright provocative! Intuitively, Singapore wasn't ready to play into the hands of the antagonists and I reckon it was wise for the government to have taken up a moderately defensive stance since then.
Foreign affairs doesn't seem to stay on course for Singapore since the beginning of the year. Elsewhere, Malaysia and Indonesia appear to have a bone to pick with Singapore over reclamation of land and boundary issues. It might be predominantly the nationalist sentiment of some governors that is stoking the fire but the envy factor brought up by some MP in Singapore is not totally unrealistic. Even then, shouldn't they pick someone their own size?
scribbled at 3:41 PM
By no chance performed in a posh restaurant, this simple ritual of having yu-sheng every year on the 7th day of the Lunar New Year signifies a desire for good fortune, pink of health, and a smooth-sailing year ahead for a middle-income average family.
scribbled at 8:49 PM
scribbled at 9:12 PM
Chinese new year never fails to keep me in a joyous and upbeat mood, even though the frenzy with Chinese traditions has fizzled over the years. I guess the holidays and new year goodies compensated for everything else.
在这里预祝大家新年快乐,在猪年里心想事成,平平安安,青春永驻! 最重要是身体健康, 才能完成梦想!
scribbled at 9:32 PM
It takes a considerable level of fiscal acumen at a personal level to manage one's income distribution into an array of drawers, be it allotments for savings, travel expenses, meals, filial piety, clothes, electronic gadgets and the list goes on. Being a typical Gemini without much fiscal prudence and displaying overbearing characteristics of a spendthrift, I find this balancing act insurmountable as my debits soar, more so during this festive season when shopping becomes compulsive. Henceforth, as I was listening to the budget speech 2007 yesterday, I could not but hand it to the financial wing of the government in moulding such a comprehensive budget. It certainly requires more than fiscal acumen when we are dealing with public funds that come in denomination of millions or even billions.
The intricacy of the eye-dazzling slew of new tweaks and initiatives introduced yesterday was enough to addle anyone, especially the uninitiated. But a few far-reaching changes easily did not go unnoticed. We should applaud the implementation of the GST credits scheme, which is expected to perversely reverse the regressive nature of the GST hike, coupled with a widely anticipated employer CPF's increase and Workfare. These social pillars should alleviate the concerns weighing on most Singaporeans and provide some buoyant buffer for the lower rungs of the social ladder. Cuts in corporate taxes and the multitude of tax relief and exemptions will also increase Singapore's competitive edge and position us in an ideal spot to embrace even more investments brought about by the now well-known globalisation.
Another laudable step taken to encourage skills upgrading in view of brewing a knowledge-intensive economy is the setting up of PSEA for children aged between 7 to 20. Yet, the narrow age limit somehow seems lacking. Don't forget the 2 years NS liabilities for males that ostensibly help to beef up the defence of our nation. This age restriction will unfairly tend to miss out on a particular group of lowly-educated NSFs, whom after completion of their NS stints, will be in their early twenties. Most would have lain out some plans for further studies and PSEA that might hold some $800 will definitely prove useful. I believe that the practical implementation of this incentive can be further improved.
And with so many angbaos to be given out in this year's budget pie, waste no time consolidating how much your family can receive via the Household Benefits Calculator on the Singapore Budget Website! :-)
Oh yes, and Jack Neo's new film ought not to be missed. A deja vu comical and introspective dig at the civil service sector, enjoy!!!
scribbled at 11:23 PM
一场可有可无的比赛,即没有惊喜,也没有突破,更没有被爱的女人。看来为了和伟贤聚一聚而错过了上半场并没有什么损失,《生日快乐》 所带来的娱乐可能略胜一筹。

scribbled at 10:22 PM