男生团体市场一直以来不怎么活跃,飞轮海的崛起为它注射了一支强心剂,增添了些许活力。《我有我的Young》 唱出了青春,应该把握年轻的时光完成梦想。一首节奏轻快的《爱到》也唱出了爱情的甜蜜,可算是唱片中最动听的歌曲。好曲颇多,这也是理所当然的,一个团体没有琅琅上口的歌曲是沉不住气的。
天时地利人和,看来5566号称的 “ 亚洲天团”这个封号是时候拱手让人了。飞轮海,继续加油吧,创造出像 S.H.E 的另一奇迹!
scribbled at 1:17 PM
In an unprecedented move to rid myself of the curly hair, which has been ridiculed by some and unpleasingly associated with Jolin's Mr Q, I went for a hair straightening treatment at E-Salon in Pioneer Mall. Finally, some might say, since BY has been urging me to go for one eons ago. And was it a lengthy session, that lasted for 3.5 hours - rounds and rounds of chemical application on my hair, punctuated with washing and waiting for the chemicals to realise their effects. Parts of it was made worse by the pungent smell of ammonia that apparently originated from the cream and dyes. Oh yeah, on top of hair straightening, I did some highlight and that brings the whole cost to approximately $150. Sigh, the price of beauty. Anyway, here is the end product. Hope it looks good.

scribbled at 4:53 PM
Was full of hopes when my instructors during revision slots expressed high chances of me passing today's TP. But things didn't work out well. Not when the tester sprang an emergency brake on me while I was fiddling with the wipers. Not when 10 demerit points were granted while executing the techniques of parallel parking, which under normal circumstances were within my grasp. Not when I wasn't taking notice of an instructor waving for me to turn when he was supposedly in the right of way, causing me to accumulate more points under the section of "delay when moving off". And the heresay that my examiner was one of the more lenient ones around just made me grieve in exasperation for this lucky opportunity gone awry. Sad. Nothing else should be said. On to the next test date, which is a very distant 2 months later.
scribbled at 5:50 PM

希望观众的眼睛是雪亮的, 耳朵是灵敏的.
scribbled at 10:35 PM
Since there's nothing worth remembering at the start of the new 2007 (erase the excruciating days of falling sick with diarrhoea and vomiting and the anticipation of a spectacular fireworks display only to be comforted by stunted sparks on some stranger's HP on New Year's Day at Vivo), I shall immerse my blog in the remnants of the sweet atmosphere of my cousin's wedding in this belated entry. And given my packed schedule, my mission now is of course to tidy up my table in time for a hopefully eventful CNY and to update my blog more regularly. Meanwhile, let's set the wedding bells ringing. =)

scribbled at 9:50 PM