It's really enjoyable doing work with someone you know, someone who can engage in delightful conversations and share mutual jokes (Dragon fruit incident and choking during lunch etc. Hey, why am I always made the laughing stock? This is unfair.), someone who makes your office hours less boring. How lonely I will be after this assignment, when I'm once again stationed in a foreign working environment with no familiar faces, counting the minutes and seconds as time goes by, with work as the one and only entertainment. It will be a consolation if your colleagues can click with you, if not misery will just follow......
scribbled at 8:38 PM
After realising we were underpaid when a string of calls bombarded us with offers of higher-paid jobs elsewhere last Friday, we decided to look for greener pastures and requested for termination of service. According to the regulations of Kelly Services, we were supposed to give 3 working days prior notice, that meant our last day at work in AH would be on this Wednesday, the whole duration amounting to a week. But I almost wanted to quit on the spot today when a senior clerk who caught wind of us "disliking the nature of the job" spoke sarcastically in my face, "Oh, you all don't like data entry ah? It is the last thing you would want to do right? If you don't want to come, never mind, I can sign the time sheet and we can explain to the HR." I turned my face at her and returned to my work, fuming mad for a few minutes as I did the data entry quietly and efficiently, trying to down my anger. I think she realised that her attitude wasn't too good and took on a milder tone with us later on, and finally, we decided to bear with her and the black pimpled face of another obnoxious temp for 2 more days.
Note: Besides us, the other 3 temps were bitching about her outside the toilet too, probably fuelled by the fact that she terminated their service because they screwed up some data entry assignment.
scribbled at 9:23 PM
Made my way to the happiness-sucking place for the second last time to pack my stuff for ORD. Didn't realise I had so much things in camp and got myself all dehydrated and weary after sorting them into 4 bags and using brute force, dragged them to the bus-stop outside camp. Chatted with one of the Radio guys doing guard duty and found out that MSG Soh was back in camp as the CSM for CCC and might be replacing MSG Tan as CSM for CSC! Haha, seems that his incompetence has finally drawn the ire of Pang.

Anyway, claps for Stefanie for being one of the high scorers at yesterday's Global Chinese Music Awards! Hope they telecast the awards ceremony some time soon.
scribbled at 2:40 PM
I didn't expect us (TS and me) to land up with a job that quickly, for that matter one which starts as early as tomorrow, though the data entry position at Alexandra Hospital will only last for 3-4 weeks and the salary is set at $6 per hour. I guess calling up personally at recruitment agencies helped a bit, appearing at Adeco and Kelly's Services offices somehow made the consultants group us under the priority list probably because we looked more sincere. Haha. But I was momentarily confused when I accepted the assignment, taking mental note of my planned schedule for the next week, chiefly my earliest driving lesson tomorrow. Frantically put my slot under try-sell when I reached home but I think my worries were unwarranted since I received a SMS notice that the try-sell was successful within minutes. And it pains me to go for driving lessons in the weekend (if I do not want to go for night lessons on weekdays) because of the extra $8.50 involved. Sigh, without money in my wallet, frugality is an imperative, have to think twice before spending every cent.
scribbled at 5:58 PM
Venue: Sakae Sushi outlet at Marina Square
Time: 3-6 pm (Teatime Buffet)
Plaintiff: Me!
Accused: Coloured plates
Witness: Shaun
Allegation: Mysterious dark stains on the plates, which could be wiped/scraped off after vigorous cleaning by my fingers.
I really wonder whether they thoroughly wash the plates every day... ...
scribbled at 9:00 PM
Like aunties who flock to wherever offers discounts and good bargains, Chaorui and I trudged a decent distance to some "ulu" Price Club Pte Ltd and DP Computer Building near Aljunied for the U2, G2000, Fox and Converse Warehouse Sale respectively on a Sunday. One can't expect a lot from these warehouse sales, which are generally designed to clear their old stock, but after rummaging through piles of apparel and shuffling through throngs of shoppers, I managed to secure a few catch for the day.

A Sling Bag for $24.90 and White Canvas Shoes for $10

And 2 shirts for $10!!!
scribbled at 10:56 AM
Thousands of individual in Singapore must have flinched (me included) when police released news of raiding 7 homes for illegal downloading of songs a few weeks ago, though no arrests were made. And it might have been life back to normal for most, as a survey quickly showed that although most students knew that downloading of songs is illegal, they would continue to do so. What did the RIAS hope to achieve by disclosing information to the police? Clearly, the ONLY aim is to instil fear, not in the culprits, but in the parents, in a way "instigating" them to warn their children against music downloading and thus serving as a deterrent. If not, what then? Using the law to curb illegal downloading does not solve the root problem and is simply impractical. Let me try to encapsulate the opinions made in an article not long ago in the newspaper about the loopholes of this method.
For one, It's difficult to pinpoint the real offender because in the case of insecure wireless network eg. the one used in my home, neighbours might be able to tap into the network and do illegal downloading. Besides, the extent of the problem is too large and if full enforcement is to be conducted, at least half of the population will be prosecuted. And it is understandable for the working population to download some songs to preview and in the case of affection for the album, be willing to pay for the full CD. Furthermore, even if downloading is prohibited, can the police really stop piracy? People can easily pass audio files to their friends and relatives through storage devices and burnt CDs. To be frank, the practice is unstoppable and only reforms in the music industry can turn the tables around. Albums are but a waste of resources unless people adore the singer and are willing to pay for the full album. If not, music clips can be sold cheaply online. This might be truly the future of the market.
Anyway, faced with this predicament, we should decide whether to heed or not to heed.
scribbled at 10:55 AM

Argh!!! Blame it on my bladder or that large iced lemon tea?? Minutes before the show ended, I gave in to the struggle to take a leak and rushed to the washroom. When I returned, there were only some words indicating a sequel. So I waited for the trailer of the sequel (as mentioned in the papers) like some others who did as the credits rolled. But there was none!!! ARGH!! I need to know what happened in the last scene, anyone?? But on the whole, it was a good movie, impressive wits by L and Light. Tata.
scribbled at 8:55 PM
Driving is a gamble and the stakes are high. Even the most experienced veteran drivers might meet with an accident, be it involving a third party or self-afflicted. My father met with a mishap yesterday, fortunately a minor one. While he was reversing his auto transmission car round a corner when parking, no beeping sound alerted him of nearing an obstacle and the rear crashed into the pillar, causing quite substantial damage inflicted on the rear lights and boot. I was actually quite surprised to hear about this, since dad was in my opinion a skilful and safe driver. Though he speeds on the expressway when traffic permits and in congested traffic tend to swerve his way around (like who doesn't!), they were still done within safe boundaries and never pose any inconvenience to other road users. One having a good track record with little blemishes, his encounter yesterday seemed to be purely driven by some mental aberration. It definitely pays not to lose focus on the wheels!
On a random note, after having known that Weilian is in the running for Star Awards' Best Newcomer and Top Ten Male Artistes, I feel really indignant. I'm not riled by Weilian himself or angered by his huge fan base, but instead disgusted at the tactics used by the monopoly. Weilian is bred as a singer and his platform should be on the music charts and the coming music awards, and having a disability which hinders his facial expression, he definitely won't be able to carry his acting skills up to any higher level. One really have no choice but to question the real intentions of the monopoly in keeping Weilian under his wings and subjecting the poor soul to so many voting contests and sometimes criticisms by people who feel it unfair for the other artistes with much more potential. Is it some crass money-sucking antic up their sleeves? Anyway, given Weilian's immense popularity ratings in Singapore (he just trounced the rest of the Singaporean singers including Stefanie Sun who had capital flight from China to help in supporting and JJ in the voting portion for the Best Singaporean Singer Award!), it's not a surprise if he bags a star award but tongues may just start wagging again.
scribbled at 3:25 PM
Allow me to retract my words from the previous post that pointed to the haze showing signs of abatement, that was only but the lull before the storm. Similar to the see-saw relationship often associated with that between the clutch and the accelerator pedal, my happiness meter has been plunging to critically low levels these days as the PSI made its hurtle to hover between dangerously high ranges. I HATE the haze, it has caused me to have occasional breathing difficulties and headache spells, it has foiled all efforts to carry out any physical activities outdoors, and most importantly, it has indirectly spawned my moodiness and discontentment. Keeping myself stuffed at home for the past few days without any fresh air was stifling; going to driving lesson this afternoon didn't help a bit - the instructor sounded pissed at me for lack of speech. (Well, I didn't really feel like talking to him at all, luckily he passed 3 subjects for my Stage 3.) At least I'm looking forward to hitting the gym tomorrow, I hope some physical exertion helps. Guess I have to rely on the treadmill for now, since I can't stop running with 2 races coming up.
scribbled at 8:44 PM
I'm down with a blocked nose and sore throat, and I saw it coming, with the numerous obvious indicators yesterday - shivering under the chilling gales of the air-conditioner in Mind's Cafe, throat irritations while mouthing down my black pepper fish rice as dinner and fortunately, I was vigilant enough to notice the heat that my body was dissipating and stop short of indulging in chocolate delights at the Esplanade with Teddy and BY. Gulping down plenty of water after I reached home most probably also helped in preventing a fever from developing. Phew! One really need to take care of his health these days, even though the haze has shown marked signs of abating and the spread of the norovirus in schools has been contained.
scribbled at 12:56 PM
Since when have MAF not hold any significance for me anymore? I cannot recall.
I can only reminisce about the times when holding lanterns was still a novelty in my life and my not-too-selective tastebuds were still able to accept the sweetness and aroma of oven-baked mooncakes. Since then, growing out of lanterns was inevitable and mooncakes have long been evicted from my diet, as with many other traditional food icons of the major Chinese festivals, like dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival and Nian Gao during CNY. I'm quite amused by my own repulsion for these "delicacies" myself, not to mention being teased and earlier on scolded by my parents for not giving these food a try.
Mooncakes originated from a regime of chaos, but this MAF has been ironically especially unhappening for me. Not only is my family not holding any reunion parties as usual, but I have also decided to give the MAF celebrations in Hwa Chong a miss. Bad news have further plagued my paternal side and smeared the atmosphere of the season as one of my uncles remain warded in ICU after undergoing 2 operations, one for appendicitis, and the other because of complication that arose from the infection in the wound. What's made the pain even more unbearable is that a third one is scheduled for a later date to sew the disjointed intestine into one piece! Aunt, be strong and see your family through this ordeal!
On a sideline, I have finally been enlightened on the custom of eating You Zi during MAF after watching Yu Le Bai Fen Bai this afternoon. You Zi has the connotation of people who travel around and on this special day of reunion, these mobile people will flock back to their families. Thus, You Zi became a fruit of this festival, I hope I'm right though it sounds a bit incoherent. Haha. May the haze clear soon to reveal the ethereal glow of the fullest moon at 11am tomorrow, oops I forgot, Singaporeans won't be able to catch the once-in-8-years moon because of some astronomical theory which I'm not interested in. :p
scribbled at 9:45 PM